Flash Store Sabinis, Passeig de Gracia, 44 Barcelona
Dear friends of Sabinis,
Last Thursday we experienced an unforgettable event at the opening of our flash store at Lynk and Co , located at Passeig de Gràcia, 44 Barcelona, together with some amazing friendly brands! ✨ It is an honour to be part of the Barcelona Fashion Forward family and for that reason, we want to thank each and every one of the people who make it possible. For their creativity and willingness. Without a doubt, we will never forget what it means for Sabinis to be a finalist in the Barcelona Fashion Forward programme and to feel accompanied by amazing people.
In the coming months, you will be able to discover our footwear collection where we unite traditional craftsmanship with innovation in design. Creating shoes that are an expression of style and comfort. Challenging conventional trends through unique designs, made with top quality materials. If you are looking for footwear with its own identity, Sabinis is for you! 👠💫
Get to know the media that share our story: La Vanguardia , El Periódico , Fashion United , Europa Press , Barcelona DHub , ICUB ...
We hope to see you in our flash store!
Passeig de Gràcia, 44 Barcelona
A hug!
Sabinis' team 🌟